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5 Things to Look for in POS Systems for Retail

Woman using point of sale system in a retail store

Shopper behavior has changed dramatically in the past few years, and now customers often opt to buy online and pick up, check product availability before shopping, and use mobile wallets. Retailers have had to adapt quickly and deploy new point of sale technology that supports new payment methods and omnichannel capabilities, allowing retail stores to synchronize their online and in-store shoppers to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

For merchants who are due for a POS system refresh, we’ve compiled some factors for you to consider as you make your decision. While the features of a POS system seem endless, security, ease of use, inventory management, omnichannel capabilities, and scalability are key features that you should consider when selecting a POS system that would best suit your retail stores.

1. Essential Security Features of POS Systems for Retail

When selecting a POS system for retail, it is essential that you consider security features. Your POS system should have the proper security features to make sure that your business and your customers’ valuable information is protected.

Select a POS system (and an integration partner) that meets the guidelines set forth by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This standard ensures the secure handling of credit card information, giving your customers peace of mind.

Further, a POS system with user access controls allows you to assign different levels of access to employees based on their roles, limiting access to sensitive information, and reducing potential data breaches.

With a focus on PCI DSS compliance, data encryption, and user access controls, you can equip your retail business with a secure POS system that ensures your customers' data is safe and protects your business from potential threats

2. User-Friendly Interface

Another essential to look for in a POS system for retail is user-friendliness. A POS system with a user-friendly interface can speed up daily operations and increase customer satisfaction.

Your POS system should support a variety of payment options like credit cards, debit cards, cash, mobile payments, and contactless payments. A point-of-sale system with versatile payment options allows customers to have an easy and fast checkout experience.

Ease of use isn’t only important for your customers; it should be easy for your employees as well. An easy-to-use interface is key for both new and old staff to navigate the POS system with ease, reducing training time and minimizing errors. The software should provide your employees with extensive training resources and good customer support. Ease of use is critical for your staff, so they can provide frictionless experience for your customers.

3. Efficient Inventory Management

A POS system for retail should integrate with your existing inventory management system with ease. This integration offers a centralized view of your stock levels offering real-time stock tracking, low stock alerts, and providing insights into your sales trends.

Real time stock tracking instantly updates your inventory levels after each sale, providing your staff and customers with an accurate overview of available products. This feature along with barcode scanning provides your retail stores with efficient product organization that makes it easy for customers to find what they need, enhancing their shopping experience and boosting customer loyalty.

4. Omnichannel Integration 

With the rise of online shopping, it is helpful for your POS system to combine sales between your physical stores and online platforms. Point of sale systems with omnichannel capabilities provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience by giving them the option to pick up in store or check the availability of a product before shopping.

An omnichannel POS system can also enhance customer loyalty. By tracking customer behavior across channels, you can gain insights into their preferences and buying habits. This data can help tailor the shopping experience, offering targeted promotions and recommendations, and fostering stronger customer relationships.

5. Scalability

Scalability is a vital consideration when selecting a retail POS system. As your business evolves, your POS system should be equipped to adapt to your changing needs.

A point-of-sale system for retail should be able to manage an increase in inventory, more registers, and new locations as your business grows. A scalable POS system ensures easy inventory management during peak hours by handling increases in stock levels and sales volume. Scalability also supports the addition of registers and locations as your business expands without compromising efficiency.

Text reads, "5 Things to Look for in POS Systems for Retail." There is an image of a point of sale system with arrows pointing to text. That text reads, "1. Security Features 2. User-Friendly Interface 3. Efficient Inventory Management 4. Omnichannel Integration 5. Scalability"

Upgrade Your POS System with Level 10

There are many factors to consider as you decide on a POS system to deploy in your stores, and these are just a few key considerations. Level 10 acts as a trusted advisor by guiding retailers in selecting and deploying the optimal solution for their stores while ensuring the new technology is deployed on time and on budget.

To learn more about how Level 10 can support your POS system refresh, contact us today.

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